Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's make Simple but Delicious Korean Food

Many of Korean foods it take a long time, but I'd like to introduce 2 kinds of simple and easy        
korean food that anybody can cook.          

DUBU JORIM (Spicy Boiled Tofu)

  1. Prepare tofu and wash.
  2. Put into the pan big sliced tofu and put perilla oil.
    3. Prepare soy sauce, sesami seed and oil, chilli powder, salt and sugar.

                                                                                                               2 kinds of soy sauce                                                    

                                                                                                          perilla oil and sesame oil

                                                                                                       sesami seeds and chilli power  

    4. Mix all spices(soy sauce, sesami seed, chilli powder, 1or 2 drops of sesami oil, sugar, little salt, and put 1/2c of water. 

NOTE: Untill now was a temple version, I put chop garlic and green onion secretly. And I used honey instead of sugar.

   5. Put this sauce on the top of sliced tofu and boil.

I put sliced onion. If you like you can put sliced chilli.

Completed!! Soft and delicious Dubu Jorim.

If you want softer tofu, cover and boil.

Potatos and Carrots Fried in oil

                                                        Slice potatos and carrots.

Dip into the salted water for remove starch and salty seasoning. For 10 to 15 minutes. And rinse.

Remove water and put perilla oil. Add sliced onion, chilli. I make garlic hide bottom th pan.
Because temple food is not allowed garlic.
Fry, fry...
When the potato start to scorch you can put  little water.

Before stop the fire add sesami seed and1 drop sesami oil.

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